Geranium and other beauties
In June last year, I had already reported on geranium. Since yesterday I was on a perennial lecture this morning and I have studied the ordering catalog, I'm now in a fever! Hosta Gold Standard and the top right, the Geranium Renardii * Philippe * Vapelle, my perennial favorite. The Geranium is completely drought-friendly and is growing at a stone wall at the staircase, where it is never cast.
All my affection is but Phaeum Geranium, very friendly drought. Of it and also (sometimes too well) from. Here the variety Phaeum lividum. Meanwhile, I have in the garden many of its own Phaeumsämlinge, who are almost all the value received to be. I work on their growth.
Geranium sanguineum Elke * *, fantastically beautiful, very friendly drought.
Here I unfortunately had a little Maleur. Geranium maculatum is also an ardent love of mine, here is the variety * album *. Due to the incredible growth of the whole leaf vegetable garden last year after the severe winter at the second wave of hostas was my beautiful Geranium overgrown, and now it is gone. I'm going to order from
Sarastro a new one because from there it was.
Yes, I know! You see it everywhere! That bothers me but not - Epimedium Frohnleiten is evergreen and blooms beautifully yellow in spring. Now the time has come when I cut away the old leaves this week yet, come up to the beautiful spring foliage can. The plant lives in semi-shade.
also the beautiful Lilafee * * (Epimedium), which is also in partial shade, but much smaller and their leaves in winter feeding.
Geranium magnificum - many say it blooms too short. That I can not find, I like it very much.
No, who came on their own - a Common Blue!
Geranium sylcaticum * album * mags like something moist. This will reward with lush flowers!
And once again a Geranium sanguineum, this time * apple blossom *, beautiful. Like all sanguineum loves the drought, which is on the current water prices very desirable.
Geranium renardii lives, like dry, even in gravel beds! Only then blossomed (at the beginning it was wrong and did not blossom).
I still want to mention that one except for Sarastro course, in other herbaceous plants, such as cherry
Andreas Lohr a great place to indulge in the geranium. Kirsch Lohr is already worth a visit for me, I have to drive about 1.5 hours. He also has so many beautiful hostas and ferns. Sarastro is in Austria, as I order.
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