Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Masterbate With A Banbana

"Whistler": Review of the new drama series

First sorry that in the last few days and I so little happened except to twitter here not too much more coming. But currently I have little time, so that it may hopefully forgive me. The daily range I will try again as soon as possible to emulate more or write. But now the first long-overdue review on RTL2 new series "The Whistler", which started Saturday at Munich's private broadcasters.
In the pilot episode see the audience dying like the Olympic champion Beck McKaye (David Paetkau ) with a seemingly easy run. The mysterious death provides the same for powerful excitement in the small town of Whistler and is there for the family McKaye a tragedy. First is said, the pictures of Beck's death were set an impressive scene. Otherwise the series is a good camera and pictures that accompany the emotional atmosphere of the series. Such as way as to desöfteren on a cold blue filter that accompanied the death of about Beck. The series makes so technically a high-quality impression.
may end but can also see the story. To Beck's death now seems to build a mystery, although not everyone employed in the series. It is especially Quinn (Jesse Moss ) coming behind the one or the other secret of his dead brother. Pictures of an affair with the married Shelby Varland (Brandy Ledford ) are the first hot clue. When Shelby is also still the wife of the rich Adrien ( Chris Shyler ), who not only financed Beck, but the half also includes Whistler. A game of power and intrigue probably does not seem to stay outside.
But other stories like the Nicole Miller (Holly Dignard ), which is plagued by financial problems and therefore a fee with an arrogant Hotel guest falls asleep. Help they received from their former flock Ryan (Adam Harrington ), Quinn's uncle. Nicole's sister, Carrie (Amanda Crew ) is not only the betrayed friend of Beck, but you also seem to regard a person after his death to be missing. Nicole is too busy with their own problems and a small consolation in the arms of Beck's brother Quinn ends with a kiss.
Quinn, meanwhile, tried in Varland family about the extortion out and makes friends with Adrien for son AJ ( Brendan James Penny ) - and - the best friend was already Becks.
All this is very successful. Also, in the first episode immediately clear that Quinn it is not a conventional hero.
The presence of Beck's spirit in the life of his "love" can be rated as a good accompaniment. However, this role could in time be a bit worn badly. Let's see what there is to do.
anything but well, I found the atmosphere in the home, meanwhile, McKaye, after Beck had died. Of course, one could understand a certain impotence, but instead we see two parents in their role but what sometimes seems more than unpleasant. Ethan's father (Nick Lea ) returns to border remained concerned about his son Quinn, can this not look into his face. Jen mother (Ingrid Kavelaars ) leaves him under his any open space. This is also quite normal and even natural, but oppressed their own dealings with each other, but formed very soon the impression that there is much to be said with facial expressions and gestures. But instead appears as if the two actors can not engage in the role and the speed of thought begun to hesitate.
would be less because maybe sometimes more. Thus, it appears to forced and what should come across as mourning ends quickly in a hysterical display, which remains characteristically cold. You can probably only imagine what it means to lose a child, but want to show to the audience a moment it really participate, because do not know Ethan and Jen how to deal with this is in the pilot episode a bit much. It takes us a chance to know the roles or to appreciate at all.
On the whole, given the pilot double episode but very much interesting. And in the series, I would imagine that it works just in double episodes. For with the story technically packed pilot's interest might have gone whistle until next week, because you can take no place in this series universe. By the second episode that was eventually curbed. Another worthwhile watching!

Photo: © CTV


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