Katherine: Jumbo month (2)
Ebeth: Part 1:
Ebeth: summary of the text
Ebeth: Part 2:
Ebeth: understanding questions about the text
first Why do many Angolans rent a cell phone, even though they have one?
second Which statement is false?
third Perfect as the correct form of the verb is in this sentence: "Most can only call."
4th What or who is André de Souza? Describe!
5th What or who is a landline phone? Explain this with examples!
Ebeth: Part 3:
Ebeth: Work Order
Do you own a cell phone or just a landline phone? Write a short text, why you have a cell phone or no phone. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of what a mobile phone? Since when should we have a Mibiltelefon or at what age? Why
katherine wiriadinata: mr
Ebeth: please
katherine wiriadinata: what is festnetzttelefon?
katherine wiriadinata: home phone?
Ebeth: That was my question!
Ebeth: sentence: "Most can only call."
4th What or who is André de Souza? Describe!
5th What or who is a landline phone? Explain this with examples!
katherine wiriadinata: and Part 2, paragraph 2, which is informative wrong? what?
katherine wiriadinata: oh so
katherine wiriadinata:
Ebeth: I never let myself kecolongan
Ebeth: You know not what beudeute it?
Ebeth: ok then ...
Ebeth: here I'll give you the answer already:
Ebeth: The fixed telephone the cable-phone that you have at home
katherine wiriadinata: oh-so-ok
katherine wiriadinata: and number 2?
katherine wiriadinata: part 2
katherine wiriadinata: which is more informative wrong? How do I know?
Ebeth: 2 Which statement is false?
a) André de Souza can call Saturday by 17 clock.
b) to call a minute costs for de Souza 900 Kwanza.
c) Other mobile phone owners are often more expensive.
Ebeth: =============== ============ vocabulary on
Ebeth: cell phone, which - the mobile phone, a small phone that you can take
Ebeth: Charge something - here: to pay money to use a card back to
prepaid card - from English "prepaid" (paid in advance): a card with which you can call for a certain sum of money
with little effort - without do a lot to have to
stereo system - a device with which you can listen to music (mostly with radio and CD player)
market stand that - a table on which the goods are sold
nationals of / the - a / s relatives / r
get something - in this case to get something
converted - calculated in a different currency
asked to be - to be popular
hinterland - an area where there is no major city is
something can not afford - no money for something have
vomit - to a certain type of behavior
Ebeth: helpful - so that is a pleasure to help other people
Ebeth: ======== ============ end vocabulary on
katherine wiriadinata Summary
Business with the phone
There 180 000 to have a landline phone but 5 million have a mobile phone
you have refreshed prepaid card to earn little effort.
Saturday afternoon in Uku Zeals sold Andre de Souza cigarettes, cassettes, and telephone calls
He rents his cell phone to customers, the charge to have no money.
The Monday to Saturday from 8 to 17:30 clock is the clock telephone services
In Angola, the other phone is in great demand as landlords, though 5 million have a mobile phone
The billing is simple, 30 cents per minute.
phone helps landlords all customers who are in need. Are you hilfsbar
Ebeth: Text 2: You have
canceled the file transfer.
Ebeth: Part 1:
Ebeth: summary of the text
Ebeth: Part 2:
questions to understand text
Ebeth: 1 What words can be elected to the word of the year?
Ebeth: 2. Who can make suggestions for the word of the year?
Ebeth: 3 How can you say this sentence differently: "The jury decides which is the word of the year."
Ebeth: 4 Someone who knows too much about the economy, is a
... You have sent 1 file to katherine wiriadinata. The word of the
Ebeth: 5 The banks need much money and are the government ...
Ebeth: Vocabulary on the topic:
Ebeth: taboo word, that - a word that represents a thing wrong, or a particular group of people offended
financial crisis - the very difficult economic situation in the Financial
someone on the bag lie - live so that there are other people a lot of money
jury that - a group of people who are judged in a contest, participants
linguist, - a man who knows very good with languages
Needy - so that it suffers from particularly strong
is not something of the reality - the reality is something not right is
create something - the reason for something to be
expert who - someone who has a certain area know very much
creation, - the creation, something that was made by people
Ebeth: nude scanner - a device that you can better control at airports travelers, because they are so naked looks
land - here come
pensioner who - someone who no longer has to work because he was already very old
nightmare, which - here is a representation, to make the fear
rob someone - someone to take everything away
concern - so that something worried
fundamental right - a right which is important for all people
noticeable negative - a bad impression
human dignity - the fact that every person has the right to be treated humanely
Ebeth: ========= ============ end vocabulary of the texts
katherine wiriadinata: 1 Because they do not have enough money to recharge the card
second B
third Most have to call gelasst nir> * forget. <*
4th Andre is a mobile phone owner who rented to customers who do not have enough money. He sells cigarettes, cassette, phone calls. He uses the phone and he Bilig help customers who have nearly enough money, for example, the customer has only 25 cents, then he uses.
5th A landline phone is the phone cable that you have at home. Example, I have a telephone connection at home and the bill comes each month
katherine wiriadinata: Work Order
I own a cell phone and a landline phone. As always, a phone is used by people boy.
I own a cell phone because cell phone is very actively answer and not too expensive. You can send text short and you need not always call. The advantages of Mobilelefon it is Bilig than landline phone, it is small and you can always bring. It is becoming more accessible. But of course it also has disadvantages. If you are you will always play with the phone, they fit on non to the other, it is dangerous to make calls with the phone forever. It should be 14 years old to about 70 years old. It is not good to give young mobile phone, for the children will play over and they do not understand what to do with the phone.
katherine wiriadinata Summary
The word of the year''distressed bank''is not done, as in reality. The financial crisis on taxes not suffer in the bank. In addition to the bank, there is still need ledende''''Nakscanner
The word of the year was first elected in 1991. The citizens should also vorshlagen the word of the year.
katherine wiriadinata: 1 The term does not violate the human dignity
second The citizens of third
The jury said the decision
fourth word of the year Politicians
5th on the bag
katherine wiriadinata: ------------------------------------
Ebeth: ok, I'm in the process
Ebeth: Text 1:
Ebeth Summary
Ebeth: The Business of Mobile
Ebeth: 180 000 There are an owner of the landline phone but 5 million have a cell phone.
you have refreshed prepaid card to earn little effort.
Saturday afternoon in Uku Zeals Andre de Souza sells cigarettes, cassettes, and telephone calls
He rents his cell phone to customers, the charge to have no money.
The Monday to Saturday from 8 to 17:30 clock is the clock telephone services
In Angola, the other phone is in great demand as landlords, though 5 million have a mobile phone
The settlement is simple, 30 cents per minute.
phone helps landlords all customers who are in need. Are you hilfsbar
Ebeth: Every Monday to Saturday between 8 clock to 17:30 clock are the dates of telephone services
In Angola, cell phones landlord as the other is in high demand, although five million have a mobile phone
The billing is simple, 30 cents per minutes.
phones landlord help customers who are in need. Are you hilfsbar
Ebeth: Part 2:
Ebeth: 1 R
Ebeth: 2 R
Ebeth: 3 R
Ebeth: 4 R
Ebeth: 5 R
Ebeth: Part 3: Work Order
I own a cell phone and a landline phone. As always, a phone is used by young men / boys.
I own a cell phone because a cell phone is very actively answer and it's not too expensive. You can use it to send short text and you do not always call. The benefits of including as Mobilelefonen are cheap landline phone. It is small and you can always bring along anywhere. You will always be accessible. But of course it has its drawbacks. If you are you will always play with the phone can understand (not !!!), they fit on non to the other, it is dangerous to make calls with the phone forever.
Ebeth: You should age of 14 years old to about 70 years. It is not good when using the mobile children early because the kids are playing with it and they do not understand what to do with the phone.
Ebeth: ------------ ----------------------
Ebeth Text 2: Text 1: The worst word summary
of the Year''distressed bank''is not done, as in reality. The financial crisis on taxes not suffer in the bank. Besides the bank, there is still need ledende''''Nakscanner
The word of the year was first elected in 1991. The citizens should also vorshlagen the word of the year.
Ebeth: Part 2:
Ebeth: 1 R
second R
third R
4th R
5th R
Ebeth: -------------------- ----------------------- ready
Ebeth : Have questions?
katherine wiriadinata: no
Ebeth: ok
Ebeth: Thanks for the time
katherine wiriadinata: Ciao
katherine wiriadinata::
Ebeth thank cao